As an NGO inspired by the christian faith in providing healthcare, our strategy is rooted in our commitment to serving those in need with excellence, compassion, and the love of Christ.

Our Divine Design

Through our Christ-centered strategy, we aspire to transform lives, restore dignity, and create a healthier, more compassionate world. Together, let us be the hands and feet of Jesus, sharing His love and providing healthcare that reflects the heart of our Christian faith.

Our Divine Setting

Christ-centered Care

By centering our care on Christ's teachings, we strive to create an environment that fosters physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Community Empowerment

We believe in empowering the communities we serve to take ownership of their health.

Collaboration and Partnerships

We recognize that the challenges of healthcare require collective efforts.

Faith in Action

We believe that by serving others with love and humility, we can bring hope, healing, and the light of Christ to those in need.

Our Ambitions

KCIU's Strategy 2021-2026

Download the summary of the strategy