Pray with Us

Empowering Healing Through Prayer

God hears and acts upon the requests and petitions of the righteous, thats why at KCIU, we believe in the power of prayer and its profound impact on the healing journey. Prayer is an integral part of our mission, and we invite you to join us in lifting up the needs of our patients, healthcare providers, and the communities we serve in prayer.

Prayer Request Form

    Our Prayer Requests

    We humbly ask for your prayers as we continue our work of providing compassionate healthcare to those in need in our community Gulu. We invite you to join us in prayer for the following:

    Healing & Restoration:

    Pray for the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing of our patients. May they experience God’s comforting presence and receive the necessary treatments and care for their recovery.

    Wisdom and Guidance:

    Lift up our healthcare providers, doctors, nurses, and support staff in prayer. Pray that they may be guided by wisdom, discernment, and expertise as they diagnose, treat, and care for patients. May their hands be instruments of healing and their hearts be filled with compassion.

    Strength and Resilience:

    Pray for our team as they navigate the challenges and demands of providing healthcare services. Pray that they find strength, resilience, and encouragement in their work. Ask for God’s protection and provision as they tirelessly serve those in need.

    Community Transformation:

    Pray for the communities we serve, particularly Unyama and Agonga parishes which are facing health disparities and limited access to quality healthcare. Pray for the eradication of preventable diseases, improved healthcare infrastructure, and increased awareness about preventive measures and healthy lifestyles.

    Divine Provision:

    Pray for God’s provision in sustaining our healthcare initiatives. Ask for His guidance in securing resources to procure the needed vital machines such as ultrasound imaging machine, partnerships, and volunteers that will enable us to continue our mission of providing compassionate healthcare to those who need it most.

    Prayer Gatherings:

    In addition to individual prayers, we also hold regular prayer gatherings where staff, volunteers, and supporters come together to seek God’s guidance and blessings for our healthcare initiatives. These gatherings provide a space for communal worship, intercession, and reflection. We encourage you to join us in these special moments of prayer and fellowship as we unite our hearts and minds in seeking God’s favor.

    Together, let us lift our voices in prayer, knowing that through faith and God’s grace, miracles happen, hearts are transformed, and lives are touched. Your prayers are invaluable to us, and we are grateful for your partnership in this journey of healing and hope.

    If you have any specific prayer requests or if you would like to join our prayer gatherings, please reach out to us. We believe that prayer changes lives, and we appreciate your support as we continue to serve with love and faith in the healing ministry of Jesus Christ.

    “Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up.” – James 5:14-15