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Today, Uganda joins the rest of the world to cerebrate the International Midwives day. The special day is being cerebrated under the theme: ‘Midwives leading with quality’ at Jinja SSS grounds. Karin Community initiatives Uganda would wish to take this opportunity and honour our very own midwives DIANA, SARAH & LUCY at our clinics (Unyama & Agonga) who play a big role in preventing maternal and newborn deaths and empowering women to make the best choices for themselves and their babies.


A midwife attending to a new born baby
A midwife conducting prenatal check-up for a pregnant woman
A midwife conducting prenatal check-up for a pregnant woman
A midwife attending to a new born baby

Currently, Uganda’s infant mortality rate is at 131 per 1,000 live births, the highest rate in East Africa. This clearly shows that a lot needs to be done. Karin community initiatives Uganda believes that with a new & better equipped maternity home, mothers will be able to successfully deliver their babies under safe conditions. Will you partner with us and help complete our maternity unit by visiting

Maternity ward Under construction

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