Category Archives for Uncategorized

We did it #karinmarathon2018

The marathon today was a great success. The turn up of the runners was amazingly wonderful. We thank God for the our generous partners that made sure this marathon event becomes a success. We have…

#Maternitymonday Delivering high quality maternity & midwifery services

Uganda's Maternal mortality rate is at 343 deaths/100,000 live births which is among the highest rates in the world. At Karin, we are rallying our community to reduce maternal deaths by providing a diverse range…

#karinmarathon2018 Meeting Dr. Opira

In the picture, Dr.Opira the Executive Director of St.Mary's Lacor Hospital Gulu is receiving his #karinmarathon2018 Tshirt from our staff Derrick. We are only left with 6 days on our count down. However, more partners…

#karinmarathon2018 Meeting with the Lord mayor

#karinmarathon2018 His Lordship Mayor of Gulu Mr. Labeja being presented with a KARIN Tshirt which he bought to support our charity run on 29-Dec-2018 at 6:00Am Kaunda grounds.

Health talk shows – 89.5 Speak Fm

Tune in to 89.5 Radio Speak Fm and listen to our staff Ketty and Claire discuss health issues in the community related to Postnatal care. More being discussed is also our First Annual Charity run…

Meeting the Dream Events team #karinmarathon2018

Our first annual charity run is in high gear now. Derrick (Extreme right) a KCIU staff who is championing ticket sales poses for a photo with the Dream Events team after delivering their marathon kits.…

Community Health talk shows

KCIU Executive Director Madam Hope Okeny (right) appearing on Radio Maria Gulu to address the community on health issues. This is one of the series of radio talk shows where KCIU is actively disseminating health…

Extending health services to the Acholi cultural festival

Hundreds of people from Acholi sub-region and beyond turned up at Kaunda grounds to commemorate the Acholi Cultural Festival, the first of its kind. #Karincommunity used this opportunity to extend the vital health care services…


Final preparation for #karinmarathon2018. This is our first annual charity run to save mothers and its getting bigger and better. Join the rest of the community in Gulu to help achieve our noble cause of…

#karinmarathon2018 Preparations

#karinmarathon2018 is in high gear now. Madam Hope (ED) together with Madam Eva visited His grace Archbishop John Baptist Odama reaffirming his commitment to flag off the race on 29-Dec-2018 @6:00AM Kaunda Grounds. Don’t miss…