


In a world marked by sin, life often involves pain. Strained relationships, addictive behaviors, and overwhelming emotions can exact a toll, rendering our existence seemingly unmanageable. During these trying moments, we require the presence of someone who will stand with us and apply the principles found in God’s Word to the areas of our lives that are fractured, enabling us to embrace the freedom offered by Christ. This encapsulates the essence of Biblical counseling, a much-needed service in the mission field.

Leverage Your Passion for Counseling in Missions

Whether it’s engaging in conversations with impoverished mothers to convey the truth about abortion, Biblical counseling serves as a conduit for delivering God’s Word to those who are in dire need of it. Additionally, it offers invaluable support to various other mission endeavors, including:

  • Assisting those struggling with addiction
  • Supporting healthcare clinics
  • Providing guidance for married couples
  • Fostering ministries for men and women
  • Offering counsel for individuals facing pregnancy-related challenges
  • Nurturing youth ministries
Is God calling you to use your skills on the mission field?