The joy of safe motherhood

At exactly 3Am, Akello got complications during her delivery. The nurse on duty referred her to a referral hospital to be attended to by a specialist. Our 24hour ambulance which was on standby was able…

A healthy family, a wealthy community!

According to the world health Organisation, about 50% of children 1 year old in developing countries die during the 1st month of life, and 97% of all infant deaths occur in developing countries.

Board Meeting 30th-Jan-2019

Yesterday 30-Jan-2019, karin held a general meeting for its board of directors. As a transparent organisation, we require regular direction, guidance and governance from the board of directors. This is a diverse body of individuals…

Staff Retreat 19th-Jan-2019

The occasional staff retreat that was scheduled on 19-Jan-2019 became a memorable day for us here at Karin Community Initiatives Uganda. KCIU staff had an opportunity to build connections, communicate numerous ideas that they found…

Child sponsorship program party

Children in our community who are beneficiaries to Karin's Child sponsorship program had a party today to cerebrate their accomplished milestones. This is a program that helps the vulnerable children attain education by paying their…

CHI – Village Health Team meeting

In our quest to serve our community better, Karin uses Village Health Teams to bring vital health services closer to the people. In the picture the Village Health Team is meeting with some of our…

Planning to have a safe delivery #safemotherhood

Are you planning on having a safe delivery, please visit our Karin health centers in Unyama and Agonga for prenatal and postnatal care.Prenatal care can help prevent complications and inform women about important steps they…

We did it #karinmarathon2018

The marathon today was a great success. The turn up of the runners was amazingly wonderful. We thank God for the our generous partners that made sure this marathon event becomes a success. We have…

#Maternitymonday Delivering high quality maternity & midwifery services

Uganda's Maternal mortality rate is at 343 deaths/100,000 live births which is among the highest rates in the world. At Karin, we are rallying our community to reduce maternal deaths by providing a diverse range…

#karinmarathon2018 Meeting Dr. Opira

In the picture, Dr.Opira the Executive Director of St.Mary's Lacor Hospital Gulu is receiving his #karinmarathon2018 Tshirt from our staff Derrick. We are only left with 6 days on our count down. However, more partners…